RTI CT Dose Profiler

SKU: 9730013-00 Kategorija:


A pioneer in measuring CT Dose

RTI CT Dose Profiler probe for use with our Piranha, Mako, Cobia FLEX, or Cobia SENSE (with PC com). Used for the evaluation of CT and CBCT systems. The probe fits into standard phantoms used for CTDI measurements.

One-shot accuracy

The RTI CT Dose Profiler has taken CT quality assurance to the next level. Because of its revolutionary design, it has transformed CTDI measurement from being inaccurate, due to underestimation of the dose for wide beams, to becoming more exact. It also has the ability to further analyze the result – all in one shot!

The rapid advancements in CT technology are placing new demands on methods and equipment used for quality assurance. The wide beams of modern CT scanners make it difficult to use existing CT ionization chambers to measure the total dose given to the patient. Using a standard 10 cm CT ionization chamber may result in inaccurate measurements due to the underestimation of the dose profile for wide beams. The CT Dose Profiler was developed to solve this problem.

The following parameters are achieved from a single exposure:

  • CTDI(100)
  • Point Dose
  • CT dose profile
  • CTDI(w)
  • CTDI(vol)
  • DLP
  • Performance of the AEC
  • FWHM (Full Width at Half Maximum of the dose profile)
  • Geometric efficiency

All parameters are presented with high resolution and accuracy.


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